The Value of Biotechnology
As an Incentive for Moral Evolution

John Armstrong



Scientia and the One to Come

Yes! Scientia, caught in the act of exposing Natura's countenance--Natura's secrets, revealed!

But, perhaps the time is ripe for the artist to remake the scene. Perhaps Scientia could be enveiled with another wrapping--the gown of moral imagination--and bedecked with a crown--the diadem of supersensory cognition. Thereby, might her vision open to the realm where morals thrive. Thus might she intuit the needed Wisdom-Mingled-with-Love to orchestrate the living.

Or, ... are these the gown and crown worn by another who is already here? The one who can manifest morality from within? The one whose turn now it is to face Scientia and before whom Scientia will remain passive, even submissive? The one who is the Rose-Fully-Open and called Human-Spirit-Being?

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