Useful email lists on genetic engineering and how to subscribe


These lists vary in terms of subscription and volume of material they send out. A consistent performer over several years for general GE news is Genet-news (see Genet below).

#GM-ACT (mainly UK content)

#NGIN lists (UK and international)

#Genet (international)

#AgBioView list (international)

#Biotechnology - International Patent Rights (international)

#Email Bulletin INF'OGM (in French)

#Rachel's Environmental Health Weekly (international)

#Genetic Crossroads (mainly USA)

#BioNews (UK and international)

#Public understanding of science list


GM-ACT list

Moderated, for anti-GM activists.

Subscribe/Unsubscribe from gm-action by sending an email to
<> saying:
subscribe/unsubscribe gm-action your-email-address. This is a local
campaigners, not a FoE list.

AgBioView list

Moderated, mostly pro-GM but also occasionally attracts correspondence between 'pros' and 'antis'.

International content. Moderated. Issued in daily compilations.

AgBioWorld; PO Box 85, Tuskegee Inst., AL 36087


Email moderator C. S. Prakash at

NGIN lists (now GM Watch)

Offering three bulletins containing news and mostly anti-GM comment on genetic engineering. Exposes much of the corporate spin behind biotechnology and the backgrounds of the representatives of the industry. for GM Watch subscriptions

To subscribe to the 'GMW daily' list send an e-mail to with the message: 'subscribe GMW daily' You'll receive up to 30 mails a week

To subscribe to the 'WEEKLY WATCH' send an e-mail to with the message: 'subscribe WEEKLY WATCH' You'll receive 1 mail a week with a news roundup Those subscribed to the daily list will receive the WEEKLY WATCH automatically

To subscribe to 'GMWATCH' (monthly) send an e-mail to with the message: 'subscribe GMWATCH' You'll receive 1 mail a month with a news roundup Those subscribed to the daily bulletins and WEEKLY WATCH will receive GMWATCH automatically

To unsubscribe to any of the the NGIN lists: just mail us saying 'unsubscribe' and specifying which list.

Archived at:

NGIN website:

Donations made out to 'NGIN':
NGIN, 26 Pottergate, Norwich, NR2 1DX, United Kingdom or e-mail for details:

Genet-news list (last updated 24 April 2000)


GENET is an European network of nongovernmental nonprofit
organisations engaged in the critical debate on genetic engineering.
It was founded in 1995. GENET's main work is to provide information
on genetic engineering for the member organisations and the
interested public via email-lists and to coordinate activities and
facilitate campaigns. At the moment, GENET has 38 member
organisations in 15 European countries.

Aims of GENET

The purpose of GENET is to exchange information on genetic
engineering and campaigns focussing on

- plant and animal breeding
- agriculture
- food production

and its implications on

- human health
- animal welfare
- biological diversity
- the environment
- socioeconomic issues

By informing interested organisations and individuals it facilitates
citizen involvement in the decision-making processes which need to
guide the development of this technology. GENET supports activities
that aim to avoid the introduction of genetechnology products or
processes which are not in the interests of consumers or farmers or
harm the environment or health.

Services of GENET

GENET communicates via 3 moderated email lists:
GENET-news, GENET-mailout, GENET-forum.

GENET-news is open to all subscribers. GENET-news is aimed at
subscribers who want to receive a broad range of current news
covering the fields of interest to GENET. GENET-news sends journal
articles, press releases, internet documents and member contributions
as email text on a daily basis. Currently, the messages are sorted by
the following subjects:

1-Hormones: production and use of recombinant hormones
2-Plants: breeding and use of transgenic plants, ecological and
biodiversity risks
3-Food: production and use of food made from or produced by
transgenic organisms,
production and use of enzymes and other food
ingredients synthezised by transgenic organisms
4-Patents: patenting of genes and transgenic organisms, biopiracy
5-Animals: breeding and use of transgenic animals in agriculture
and "gene pharming", xenotransplantation
6-Regulation: national and international laws covering genetic
engineering and other biotechnologies
7-Business: economic, company news
8-Misc: other news
* Please contact to subscribe

GENET-mailout is open to all subscribers and summarizes important
GENET-news on a 3-weekly basis. It is aimed at subscribers who want
to receive a condensed overview about recent events.
* Please contact to subscribe

GENET-forum is an internal list for strategy discussions and
political analyses between GENET members. GENET-forum also
facilitates fast communication between members.
* Open to all member organisations

GENET-archive contains all GENET-news messages and GENET-mailouts
since February 13, 1999. This web page allows a fast full text
research by key words.
* Please connect to

Membership of GENET

Membership can be given to European non-governmental organisations
that share the goals of GENET. Such NGOs are welcome to apply for
membership to the board in writing. Applications should be supported
by a member organisation in the same country, or failing that, by
another member organisation to which the applicant organisation is
close. Members can subscribe to GENET-forum, which allows them to
send messages directly via GENET-news and GENET-forum. GENET meets
twice a year.

Yearly membership fees:
55 Euro for organisations with an annual budget under 5.000
110 Euro for organisations with an annual budget between 5.000 -
10.000 Euro
275 Euro for organisations with an annual budget between 10.000 -
50.000 Euro
550 Euro for organisations with an annual budget over 50.000

Board of GENET

The board consists of elected members.
Currently, the board members are:

Florianne Koechlin Schweizerische Arbeitsgruppe Gentechnologie
Marion Selig Menschen für Tierrechte
Robin Jenkins Genetics Forum
United Kingdom/France

Co-ordinator of GENET

Hartmut Meyer phone: +49-531-5168746
Kleine Wiese 6 fax: +49-531-5168747
D-38116 Braunschweig email:

Members of GENET
(as of April 2000)

1) A SEED Europe (b) The Netherlands
2) Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kritische Tiermedizin (d) Germany
Working Group Critical Veterinary Medicine
3) Basler Appell gegen Gentechnologie (e)
Basler Appeall against Genetechnology
4) British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (d) United
5) Bundesverband der Tierversuchsgegner Germany
- Menschen für Tierrechte (d)
Federal Association against Animal Experiments
- People for Animal Rights
6) Comitato Scientifico Antivivisezionista (d) Italy
Scientific Antivivisection Committee
7) Coordinadora de Organizaciones de Spain
Agricultores y Ganaderos (c)
Coordination of Familiy Farmers Organisations
8) Coordination Paysanne Européenne (c) Belgium
European Farmers Coordination
9) Dierenbescherming (d) The
Animal Protection
10) Djurensratt (d) Sweden
Animal Rights
11) Ecologistas en Acción (a) Spain
Ecologists in Action
12) Ecoropa (a)
13) Erklärung von Bern (b)
Berne Declaration
14) DIO (c) Greece
Certification and Inspection Organisation of Organic Products
15) Friends of the Earth Europe (a) Belgium
16) GAIA Foundation (b) United
17) Genesis (e) Norway
18) GenEthisches Netzwerk (e) Germany
GenEthics Network
19) Genetic Resources Action International (a) Spain
20) Genetics Forum (e) United
21) Global 2000 (a) Austria
22) Green Group of the European Parliament (e) Belgium
23) Greenpeace International (a) The
24) International Federation Belgium
of Organic Agriculture Movements (c)
25) Keine Patente auf Leben (e) Germany
No Patents on Life
26) Mouvement Ecologique (a) Luxembourg
Ecological Movement
27) Ökoinstitut Freiburg (a) Germany
Institut for Applied Ecology Freiburg
28) Oxfam Solidarity (b) Belgium
29) Quercus (a) Portugal
National Association for Nature Conservation
30) Schweizerische Arbeitsgruppe Gentechnologie (e)
Swiss Working Group Genetechnology
31) Stichting Consument en Biotechnologie (f) The
Consumer and Biotechnology Foundation
32) Svenska Naturskyddsföreningen (a) Sweden
Swedish Society for Nature Protection
33) SWISSAID (b)
34) Tierschutzverein 4 Pfoten (d) Austria
Association for Animal Protection 4 Paws
35) Viola (a) Russia
36) Werkgroep voor een Rechtvaardige en Belgium
Verantwoorde Landbouw (c)
Working Group for an Honest and Responsible Agriculture
37) World Wide Fund Schweiz (a)
38) KIBOTOS (d)
Animal Responsibility Cyprus Cyprus

a: environmental NGO
b: developmental NGO
c: agricultural NGO
d: animal protection/welfare NGO
e: genetic engineering network
f: consumer NGO

| European NGO Network on Genetic Engineering |
| |
| Hartmut MEYER (Mr) |
| Kleine Wiese 6 |
| D - 38116 Braunschweig |
| Germany |
| |
| phone: +49-531-5169746 |
| fax: +49-531-5169747 |
| email: |

Crop Biotech Update list

A weekly summary of world developments in agri-biotech for developing countries, produced by the Global Knowledge Center on Crop Biotechnology, International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications SEAsiaCenter (ISAAA), and AgBiotechNet.

If you wish to join, you should send an e-mail message to leaving the subject blank and entering the one-line text message as follows: SUBSCRIBE Crop Biotech Network

To stop receiving the newsletter, please send an e-mail message to and write, "unsubscribe newsletter" in the subject box.

Please visit Cropbiotech Net web pages ( ) to view previous issues of Crop Biotech Update newsletter and see other available resources for download.

Rachel's Environment and Health Weekly, Online News Service

Covers environmental and environmental public
health issues. Last three issues focus on genetic
engineering. Issue #637 and #638 review Marc Lappe and
Britt Bailey's new book, Against the Grain, examining
the ways in which biotechnology is creating an
agricultural revolution. Outlines most recent
biotechnology developments, shortcomings of regulations
and corporate interests such as Monsanto's. #638 further
looks at biotechnology and products such as the
terminator technology and the genetically altered milk
hormone, rBGH. To start your own free subscription, send
email to with the words SUBSCRIBE
RACHEL-WEEKLY (YOUR NAME) in the message. Contact
Environmental Research Foundation, P.O. Box 5036,
Annapolis, MD 21403; Fax (410) 263-8944; email:

Biotechnology - International Patent Rights email list

BIO-IPR is an email list to circulate information about recent developments in the field of intellectual property rights (patents) related to biodiversity & associated knowledge.

To subscribe visit:

For general information about GRAIN:

Genetic Crossroads

'Genetic Crossroads' is the newsletter of the Center for Genetics and Society.

It primarily deals with medical aspects of genetics, genetic engineering, cloning and stem cell research.

If you wish to subscribe/unsubscribe or change to between plain-text or HTML versions, go to: and select Newsletter

If you have any questions or need help, email

Email Bulletin INF'OGM

Le bulletin mensuel Inf'OGM est composé des rubriques suivantes :
Point de vue
Consommation et économie
Législation et éthique un dossier thématique (un tous les deux mois environ)
Recherche et environnement
Actions citoyennes
Lire et voir

Cet abonnement vous permet en outre d'accèder aux parties restreinte de ce site dans l'espace "Abonnés" qui se compose des bulletins et autres brochures à télécharger au format PDF et l'intégralité des articles. Les non-abonnés n'ont accès, pour certains articles un peu denses, qu'à l'introduction. En vous abonnant, vous vous tenez au courant de l'actualité des OGM et vous participez du débat social sur la question. Vous soutenez aussi financièrement le travail de veille citoyenne sur les OGM que nous réalisons quotidiennement.

Coût de l'abonnement (frais de port inclus) : 15 euro pour les particuliers 100 euro pour les structures professionnelles (avec droit de reproduction et de diffusion pour les membres/salariés de la structure abonnée - 30 exemplaires maximum). Ce bulletin est gratuit pour les individus et structures des pays du Sud.

Coût de l'abonnement : 8 euro.

Christophe Noisette,
animateur permanent

Christophe Noisette
Veille citoyenne sur les OGM
2B, rue Jules Ferry
93 100 Montreuil
tél : 01 48 51 65 40
fax : 01 48 51 95 12
courrièl :
web :

BioNews a list of news items and *views* run by Progress Educational Trust
with usually a focus on human reproductive biotechnologies, cloning and genetics.

To subscribe to BioNews, go to:

Alternatively, send an email to: with 'subscribe BioNews' as the subject.

To unsubscribe, send an email to: with 'unsubscribe BioNews' as the subject.

If you have any comments or queries, please contact:

B i o N e w s Copyright Progress Educational Trust 2005

For editorial enquiries, please contact:

Dr Kirsty Horsey Reproduction editor, BioNews

or Dr Jess Buxton Genetics editor, BioNews

Progress Educational Trust
140 Gray's Inn Road

Telephone +44 (0)20 7278 7870 Facsimile +44 (0)20 7278 7862

BioNews is sponsored by AstraZeneca Full editorial control rests with Progress Educational Trust

BioNews Subscribe/Unsubscribe:


psci-com a public understanding of science list which includes PUS
bibliographies complied by the Wellcome Info Services (which are quite up to

To send a message to the list, send email to

All queries relating to this particular list should be sent to

All queries relating to the Mailbase service should be sent to

All commands should be sent to the Mailbase SERVER at

To leave this list send the command
LEAVE psci-com
to the Mailbase SERVER at

FAO-BiotechNews  (wide choice of languages)

FAO-BiotechNews is an e-mail list containing news and events items that are
relevant to applications of biotechnology in food and agriculture in
developing countries. Its aim is to inform policy makers and technical
decision-makers about current developments and issues in agricultural
biotechnology, with a particular emphasis on developing countries, as well
as to inform scientists of the wider policy/regulatory/agricultural
development aspects of their work. The news and events items focus on FAO's
work and the work of its main United Nations (UN) and non-UN partners. The
items cover crops, fish, livestock, forest trees and agro-industry. It was
launched in January 2002.

For details see:

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