Annual Meeting of the Natural science group  ( science section AS in GB)

Natural science group  (science section AS in GB)
The field Centre, Nailsworth GL6 0QE, UK The field Centre, Nailsworth GL6 0QE, UK

Annual Meeting of the Natural Science and Maths Group
(of AS in GB)
Friday 11 th November – Saturday 12 th Nov
Optional outing to Malvern Hills on Sunday 13 th

Friday 11th
6 pm Registration and supper
7.30 Maarten Ekama – Granite
A deeper consideration of Goethe's essay on granite (which Maarten has recently
translated).  He wrote it in 1785, together with some accompanying notes and book
extracts, and is often considered a poetic work in its own right.  He struggled for years to
write a more scientific essay based on these notes, and only partially succeeded more than
30 years later when he began to bring order into his geologic research.  Perhaps the
participants could bring a piece of granite (any old piece will do) and we could explore what
Goethe might have meant when he wrote what he wrote, where he was right, and where he
was wrong.

Saturday 12 th
9 am Adrian Lamont – Pink Pegmatite ( as occurs in the Malvern Hills)
Goethean study on the pink pegmatite. It has this quality of being a little kingdom in itself. The modern geological explanation of its formation is hard to reconcile with Steiner’s description of this period of evolution. They represent different concepts of plasticity and the living nature of “minerals” at that time.

The rock is easy to find and varies quite a bit. In some pieces there is a black pitch present, in others, more crystalline including ducts of black crystals, but you need a magnifying glass to see these. I have found the more crystalline rock on the peak tops
where the Precambrian layer is exposed.

Hopefully this will cast a helpful light on Steiner’s description of this period, when, in his view, rocks were still alive. Are we looking at something which was once alive ? What sort of silica metabolism was it ?

10 am Remembering Wolfgang Schad and Alan Hall

10.30 coffee

11.00 am William Steffen
‘Questions on early earth formation – Geology of the Barberton Greenstone Belt and Steiner’s Imaginations’. Drawing on his occupation with and two visits to the Barberton – Makhonjwa Mountains on the South Africa / Eswatini border, as well as studies with Maarten of Steiner’s imaginations on the descent of the Human Being in the incarnation process of the Earth. This would link up with Maarten’s contribution and activity on Goethe’s The Granite.  Presentation plus conversation.

12.30 Troy Vine – Presentation and Book Launch

Seeing Colour: A Journey Through Goethe's World of Colour Published Floris Books, October 2022 Nora Löbe, Matthias Rang and Troy Vine; Foreword by Arthur Zajonc.

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Judyth Sassoon- What is a Plesiosaur,
the different meanings that have been attributed to plesiosaurs- the different ways people have thought about them within paradigmic shifts.

15.00 Victor Morrow- Recovering the Hidden Content of World History.
Some research concerning geology and morphology.

16.00 Tea

16.30 General discussion,
Brief report on The Natural Science Section Conference at the Goetheanum- Dancing with Polarities , Simon Charter. Website developments , Maarten Ekama.
Other News:- Foundation for Water in Forest Row, The Institute of Flow Science in Herrischried. Goethean science work in Ruskin Mill Trust. Any other short reports. Financial Statement from the treasurer and sharing of any future initiatives. AOB.

17.30 finish
Optional meal out together if there is the demand.

Sunday 13 th
11am Seeing Pink Pegamatite in the Malverns.
About an hour’s walk there and back from the Whych Cut. Where there is a Geo Centre with a café . Wyche Innovation Centre, Walwyn Rd, Malvern Sat Nav Postcode: WR13 6PJ (Fossil Bank).  OS Grid Reference: SO 76782 43578.

Timing and travel arrangements to be confirmed on Saturday

Suggested contribution towards costs for the weekend £50, payment by BACS if possible Sort code: 20-23-97, Account No. 90800007 “AS in GB Science Group “ with Barclays Bank Early confirmation of attendance (by Nov 8 th latest) is appreciated for catering etc To 07814786682 let me know of any dietary needs or if you need the “Friendly Bed and Breakfast list”.