Science Group of the Anthroposophical Society in Great Britain

Newsletter – March 1999

This online version of the newsletter omits items where special permission would be needed from individual authors for such republication.


Mathematical Fragments (From 1799/1800)

241. The whole of Mathematics is really by and large, an equation for the other sciences.

  Mathematics is to the other sciences, as logarithms are to it. The concept of Mathematics is the concept of science in general.

  Thus all the sciences should become Mathematics. Our current Mathematics is little more than a special, empirical Organon.

  It is a substitute for convenient reduction – an aid to thought. Its complete applicability is a necessary postulate of its conception.

  It is the most valid testament of Nature-Idealism. The inner relationship, the sympathy of the universe, is its basis.

  Numbers are – like signs and words – appearances, representations kat exoxin. Its relations are world-relations. Pure Mathematics is the conception of the Intellect as a Universe.

  Wonders, as facts contrary to Nature, are a mathematical – yet there does not exist a wonder in this sense, and what is thus called is comprehensible precisely by means of Mathematics, for nothing is a wonder to Mathematics.

  Genuine Mathematics is the true element of the Magician. In Music, it appears formally, as revelation – as creative Idealism. It legitimizes itself here, as a heavenly messenger, kat anthropon. All enjoyment is musical, and hence mathematical.

  The highest life is Mathematics.

  There can be Mathematicians of the highest rank who cannot calculate. One can be a great calculator without having an inkling of Mathematics. The true Mathematician is an Enthusiast per se. Without enthusiasm there is no Mathematics.

  The life of the Gods is Mathematics. All divine messengers must be Mathematicians.

  Pure Mathematics is Religion.

 One only advances to Mathematics through a Theophany. Mathematicians alone are happy.

The Mathematician knows all. Even if he did not already know, he could.

  All activity ceases, when knowledge enters. The state of knowledge is Eudemony, the blessed peace of contemplation – heavenly Quietism.

  True Mathematics is at home in the East. In Europe it has degenerated into a purely technical science.

  Whoever does not take hold of a Mathematical book with devotion, and read it as the Word of God, fails to understand it.

242.  Every line is a World-Axis.

243.  A formula is a Mathematical prescription. 

  Numbers are the drugs.  Arithmetic is its pharmacy.

In the end, Mathematics only contains methods of abbreviation. Translation by David Wood


Science Group and Science Section

Robert Rose has suggested that the relation of the Science Group to the School of Spiritual Science be examined.

  The Science Group is currently a sub-group of the Anthroposophical Society in Great Britain, which in turn is a ‘regional’ group of the Association “General Anthroposophical Society” which furthers the work of the School of Spiritual Science.  Non members of the GAS can join the Science Group as Associates. All four bodies, Science Group, AS in GB, GAS and School have some form of written constitution. The constitution of the Science Group will be forwarded to any member on request. 

  It has been observed that Science Group meetings have become increasingly poorly attended over the last 10 years leading to several meetings being cancelled including the one last November on “The Human Heart”. In contrast, in the same period Science Section meetings in UK – for members of the First Class of the School of Spiritual Science – have established a regular 6 monthly rhythm, albeit of less than a dozen regular attendees.

  If you have any observations arising from Robert Rose’s suggestion I should be pleased to consider them for publication in these columns.   David Heaf


Six months ago Dr. Pusztai voiced his concern in a TV programme that present testing procedures to establish the safety of foodstuffs containing genetically modified (GM) material may not be adequate.  Two days later he was suspended by the Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen, for being responsible for the release of misleading information, gagged and threatened by legal action if he spoke out in his own defence.  All his scientific data were confiscated and, to establish whether or not he had committed fraud, an Audit Committee was set up.  Its remit was to investigate whether, as Dr. Pusztai claimed, the growth and immune responsiveness of rats fed diets containing GM potatoes was depressed.  Regrettably, although a Report was written on the conclusion made by the Audit Committee, this has only been discussed by selected people in line with the Rowett’s original intention that “these new findings will not be released by the Institute but will be scrutinized by collaborating groups of scientists and official expert committees”. Unfortunately, neither the results of the GM research nor of the Audit have been fully revealed. Instead, several months later the Rowett published a summary of the conclusions of the Audit Report which stated unequivocally that Dr. Pusztai’s conclusions were not justified by his experimental data.

  Those of us who have known Dr. Pusztai’s work or have collaborated with him, were shocked by the harshness of his treatment by the Rowett and even more by the impenetrable secrecy surrounding these events. It is an unacceptable code of practice by the Rowett and its Director, Professor James, to set themselves up as arbiters or judges of the validity of data which could have such a profound importance not only for scientists, but also for the public and its health. Fortunately, to comply with the Audit rules, the Rowett had to return Dr. Pusztai’s data and give him the right to comment on the Audit Report. Although the results included in this report appeared to be arbitrarily selected and biased towards brushing aside the conclusions of his experimental findings, the data contained within the Audit Report itself nevertheless showed very clearly that the transgenic GNA-potato had significant effects on immune function and this alone is sufficient to vindicate entirely Dr. Pusztai’s statements. Dr. Pusztai decided to make his response to the Director of the Rowett and SOAEFDS (Scottish Office, who funded the project) in the form of an Alternative Report. However, the existence of his Report has never been acknowledged. In the interest of transparency and to follow the tradition of scientific exchange of views and data between scientists, and to peer-review his findings before publication, a number of independent scientists approached Dr. Pusztai with the view to study his results in detail and have given us their written reviews.

  The independent scientists who have reviewed Dr. Pusztai’s data and case, and who agreed with the content of this Memorandum, are:  Prof. K. Baintner, Department of Physiology, Pannon Agricultural University, Kaposvar, Hungary Prof. J. Cummins,  Emeritus Prof. Genetics, Ontario, Canada  Dr. S.W.B. Ewen,  Department of Pathology, Aberdeen Royal Hospitals, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK  Prof. R. Finn,  Department of Medicine, The University of Liverpool, United Kingdom  Dr. M.F. Fuller,  Stony Brook, New York, USA  Prof. B.C. Goodwin,  Schumacher College, Dartington, Devon, United Kingdom  Dr. J. Hoppichler,  Federal Institute for Less-Favoured and Mountainous Areas, Vienna, Austria  Dr. C.V. Howard,  Fetal and Infant Toxico-Pathology, The University of Liverpool, United Kingdom  Dr. J. Koninkx,  Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands  Prof. A. Krogdahl,  Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Oslo, Norway  Dr. K. Lough,  Bankhead, Aberdeen, Scotland (formerly of the Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK)  Prof. F.V. Nekrep,  Biotechnical Faculty, Zootechnical Department, University of Ljubljana, Slovenija  Prof. S. Pierzynowski,  Department of Animal Physiology, University of Lund, Sweden  Prof. S. Pongor,  Protein Structure and Function Group, International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Trieste, Italy  Prof. I. Pryme,  Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Bergen, Norway  Prof. J. Rhodes,  Gastroenterology Research Group, The University of Liverpool, United Kingdom  Dr. L. Rubio,  Department of Animal Nutrition, Estacion Experimental del Zaidin, Granada, Spain  Prof. M. Sajgo,  Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Godollo University of Agriculture, Hungary  Prof. U. Schumacher,  Department of Neuroanatomy, University of Hamburg, Germany Dr. B. Tappeser,  Institute for Applied Ecology, Freiburg, Germany

  The reviews written by these scientists allowed us to compare the conclusions of both the Audit and the Alternative Reports and to establish the validity of Dr. Pusztai’s claims. No data will be given here but, as in any referee’s report, we give our summary assessment and conclude that the data would be acceptable for scientific papers. In light of the personal harm done to Dr. Pusztai we conclude also that it is imperative to make available the reviews as well as our conclusion to the public, either as publications in scientific journals or otherwise. There is no doubt in our minds that the reviews will remove the stigma of alleged fraud and will restore Dr. Pusztai’s scientific credibility.

  We are of the opinion that although some of the results are preliminary, they are sufficient to exonerate Dr. Pusztai by showing that the consumption of GNA-GM-potatoes by rats led to significant differences in organ weight and depression of lymphocyte responsiveness compared to controls. There was also strong evidence that GNA-GM tubers were not substantially equivalent to parent potatoes and indeed the two lines of GNA-GM-potatoes in the study were also different. This makes a very strong case for the necessity of performing further work to elucidate the toxico-pathological importance of these findings. Unfortunately, as publication of scientific papers is a long-drawn out process, and as there is an urgent need to bring these data into the public arena right now such that the safety and hazards presented by GM crops could be properly debated and assessed, we decided to publish this Memorandum.

  Signed by:  Prof. E. Van Driessche, Laboratory of Protein Chemistry, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium and  Prof. T.C. Bøg-Hansen, The Protein Laboratory, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. (Received 18.2.99. Dr Puzstai’s report in full: The Audit Committee’s comments:


Research Centre for Plant Breeding

for Organic Agriculture

On July 10th 1998 a group met on this issue at the Forschungsinstitut für Biologischen Landbau at Frick in Switzerland. Prof. Martin Wolfe, of Elm Farm Research Centre UK outlined his proposal for a European centre for organic plant breeding. A letter was sent out in October 1998 to people who may be interested in the initiative. If you would like more information about it please contact Christine Karutz, FiBL, CH-5070 Frick, Switzerland. Email:

Ifgene – International Forum for Genetic Engineering

Following the joint Ifgene-Carrefour workshop last summer in France which dealt in part with the difficulties facing elements of the food industry that wish to keep genetically modified foods out of the food supply chains, Ifgene is planning a two day workshop for leading actors in the industry at the Goetheanum in late August. A provisional title is The Food Supply Chain and GMOs: Is Customer Choice Sustainable. Anyone who would like to sponsor the setting up of such a meeting is invited to contact Ifgene at the address below.

  Ifgene maintains a web site at for information on genetic engineering and especially articles which help to deepen the debate about genetic engineering and the science behind it.

  Dr David J. Heaf, IfgeneUK co-ordinator, Hafan, Llanystumdwy, LL52 0SG. Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1766 523181. Email: 101622.2773 (at) Ifgene is an initiative of the Science Section of the Free University of Spiritual Science.

Future Meetings 

Science Section of the School of Spiritual Science

The next meeting will be on Saturday 20th March. William Steffen has kindly agreed to arrange a venue in Stourbridge. The meeting will focus on electromagnetic radiation and life. Contributions are welcome.

  The meeting is open to all members of the First Class of the School of Spiritual Science who have a practical involvement in the natural sciences. If you would like to make a contribution, and/or receive further details, please send a SAE and full details will be sent to you. Write to Robert Rose, 1 Sunny Terrace, Vicarage Street, Painswick GL6 6XS. Tel: 01452 812959.

Scientific and Medical Network, May Dialogue 1999

“Biotechnology, Sustainability & Ethics: Are They Compatible?” Open Meeting to be held at Colet House, 151 Talgarth Road, London W14 (near Baron’s Court Tube), on Saturday 22nd May 1999. Speakers: Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Dr. Peter Lund, Rev. John Kerr. Chaired by Prof. Brian Goodwin. Full Programme & Background Information: or from David Lorimer, SMN, Gibliston Mill, Colinsburgh, Leven, Fife, KY9 1JS. Tel: +44 (0)1333 340492. Fax: +44 (0)1333 340491. Email The SMN’s mission is to deepen understanding in science, medicine and education by fostering both rational and intuitive insights.

(Any reader with the slightest allergy to scientism is advised to skip the following item – Ed.)

Joint UNESCO-ICSU World Conference on Science:

Science for the Twenty-First Century: A New Commitment

Budapest, Hungary, 26 June – 1 July 1999

Preliminary Draft Declaration on Science and the Use of Scientific Knowledge

Preamble  We have come to recognize that we all live on the same planet and are all part of the biosphere; and that the future of humankind is intrinsically linked to the preservation of the global life-support systems and to the survival of all forms of life. All nations of the world are called upon to acknowledge the urgency of using knowledge from the natural and social sciences to address human needs without indulging in its misuse. Science should be at the service of humanity as a whole, and should contribute to providing a deeper understanding of nature and society, a better quality of life for everyone and a healthy and productive environment for present and future generations.

  Steadily improving scientific knowledge on the origin, functions and evolution of the universe and of life provides humankind with conceptual and practical approaches which profoundly influence its conduct and prospects. Scientific knowledge has yielded applications that have been of great benefit to humankind. Life expectancy has strikingly increased, cures are available – or foreseen – for many diseases, and health care has improved dramatically. Agricultural output has risen to meet population needs, at least in global terms. Technological developments and the exploitation of energy sources have created the capacity for freeing humankind from the most arduous labour. The new communication and information technologies have brought unprecedented opportunities for interaction between peoples and individuals.

  However, all these benefits are unequally distributed, and this has widened the gap between industrialized and developing countries. In addition, the applications of scientific advances have also led to environmental degradation and have been a source of social imbalance or exclusion. Scientific and technological progress has also made possible the construction of sophisticated weapons, including atomic, biological and chemical ones, having the potential to destroy life on a mass scale or even put at risk the entire planet. Today, there is an opportunity for fewer resources to be allocated to the development and manufacture of new weapons and for military research facilities to be at least partially converted to civilian use. The United Nations has proclaimed the Year 2000 as the International Year for the Culture of Peace as a step towards a lasting peace between and within countries; science and the scientific community can and should play an essential role in this process.

  Today, whilst unprecedented advances in science are foreseen, there is need for a vigorous democratic debate on the ethical, cultural, environmental and economical aspects of the use of scientific knowledge. Enhancing the role of science for a more equitable, prosperous and sustainable world requires a long-term commitment of all stakeholders: governments and parliaments, scientists and engineers, industry, the media, international organizations and society at large. Greater interdisciplinary efforts, involving both natural and social sciences, are a prerequisite for dealing with crucial social, economic, cultural, environmental and health issues. It will also require that public trust and support for science be strengthened through a new social contract.

  We, participants in the World Conference on “Science for the Twenty-first Century: a New Commitment”, assembled in Budapest, Hungary, from 26 June to 1 July 1999 under the aegis of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Council for Science (ICSU):

   Recognizing that science is a powerful intellectual resource for understanding natural and societal phenomena and that the role of science promises to be even greater in the future, also because of the growing complexity of the interrelationship between society and nature;

  Recognizing that scientific information is indispensable today for decision-makers and for society at large;

  Considering that scientific research yields inestimable returns in terms of sustainable development and improvement in the quality of life;

  Convinced that science and its applications are a major factor for socio-economic development and that the future of humankind will be more dependent on the production, distribution and use of knowledge than ever before;

  Acknowledging that scientific issues are largely of a universal nature, know no borders and require international recognition, assessment, co-ordination and co-operation;

  Taking into account the recommendations of major conferences organized by the United Nations system and the meetings associated with the World Conference on Science; 

  Stressing that access to scientific knowledge is part of the right to education and the right to information belonging to all people; and that science education is essential for human development and for creating endogenous scientific capacity;

  Recalling that scientific research and the use of scientific knowledge should respect human rights and the dignity of human beings, and recalling further the relevant articles in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;

  Stressing the need to practice and apply science in line with appropriate ethical requirements;

  Emphasizing that the use of scientific knowledge should respect biological diversity, as well as the life-supporting systems of our planet;

  Appreciating the importance of traditional and local knowledge and the need to safeguard and make better use of it;

  Considering that a new social contract between science and society is necessary to cope with such pressing contemporary problems as poverty, environmental degradation, public health and food security;

  Underlining the need for a strong commitment of political, economic and social partners to science, as well as an equally strong commitment of scientists to the well-being of society; proclaim the following:

   1. Science for knowledge; knowledge for progress

  1.1 The inherent function of the scientific venture is to carry out a comprehensive questioning of nature leading to new knowledge. It is this new knowledge that provides cultural and intellectual enrichment and leads to the technological advances and benefits stemming from science. Promoting fundamental research is a priority towards achieving endogenous development and progress. There can be no applied science if there is no science to apply.

  1.2 Governments should give recognition to the key role of scientific research in the acquisition of knowledge, in the training of scientists and in the education of the public. Scientific research in the private sector has increased, but cannot be a substitute for public research. The public sector should adequately finance scientific research for long-term goals, especially those that are expected to give rise to applications of social importance.

   2. Science for peace

  2.1 Governments should be aware of the need to apply natural and social sciences and technology to address the root causes of conflict, such as social inequalities, poverty, lack of justice and democracy, inadequate education for all, insufficient health care and food provision, and environmental degradation. Governments should therefore increase investment in these areas of scientific research.

  2.2 Scientists should uphold the principle of full and open access to information; scientific research should be subject to public accountability. The scientific community, sharing a long-standing tradition that transcends the borders of nations, religions or ethnicity, should promote the “intellectual and moral solidarity of humankind”, which is the basis of a culture of peace. All nations should facilitate the free circulation of scientists and recognize their constructive co-operation as a valuable contribution to the peaceful development of human civilization.

   3. Science for development

  3.1 Governments and the private sector should provide enhanced support for building up an adequate and well-shared scientific and technological capacity as an indispensable foundation for economic, social, cultural and environmentally sound development. Technological development requires a solid scientific basis and needs to be resolutely oriented towards cleaner production and more environment friendly products. Investment in science and technology aimed at a better understanding and safeguarding the planet’s threatened life-support system and at integrating the economic, social and environmental objectives of development must be increased in the future.

  3.2 Science education at all levels and without discrimination is a fundamental need for ensuring sustainable development. In recent years, world-wide efforts have been initiated to develop and strengthen educational programmes to provide all children, youth and adults with basic education. It is on this platform that science education, communication and popularization need to be built. It is more than ever necessary to develop and expand science literacy with reasoning ability and skills so as to increase public participation in the decision-making process related to the application of new knowledge.

  3.3 National strategies and institutional arrangements should be set up to enhance the role of science in development, and in particular: a long-term national policy on science and technology; the creation and maintenance of national authorities for risk assessment, safety and health; and incentives for investment, research and innovation. Parliaments and governments should provide a sound legal, institutional and economic basis for enhancing scientific and technological capacity.

  3.4 All countries, and in particular the developing ones, need to strengthen scientific research in higher education and post-graduate programmes. Regional and international co-operation should be used to support scientific capacity building to ensure both equitable development and the spread and utilization of human creativity without discrimination of any kind (sex, ethnicity, etc.). All efforts should be made to create conditions that ensure a marked reduction or reversal in brain-drain.

  3.5 Progress in science requires various types of co-operation at the intergovernmental, governmental and non-governmental levels, such as: multilateral projects; fellowships and grants to promote research, particularly in the developing countries; international agreements for the joint funding of megaprojects; international panels for the evaluation of complex scientific results; and international arrangements for the promotion of post-graduate training. New initiatives are required for interdisciplinary collaboration through national and international research facilities, research networks and targeted projects. Support for international collaborative projects, especially if of global interest, should be significantly increased. Access to these facilities for scientists from developing countries should be facilitated.

  3.6 National policies on science and technology should encourage all partners, particularly the private sector, to support scientific research and to develop university-industry co-operation. Whilst intellectual property rights need to be appropriately protected, access to data and information are essential for undertaking scientific work. The development of a universally accepted legal framework is necessary; this should take into account the specific requirements of developing countries with regard to access to scientific information and data.

   4. Science in society and science for society

  4.1 The practice of scientific research and the use of scientific knowledge should always aim at the welfare of humankind, men and women alike, and be respectful of the dignity of human beings and of their fundamental rights, and take fully into account our responsibility towards future generations; there should be a new commitment in this respect.

  4.2 A free flow of information on the possible uses of new discoveries and newly developed technologies should be secured so that ethical issues can be debated in an appropriate way. In each country a suitable mechanism should be established to address the ethics of the use of scientific knowledge and its applications. The World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology can provide a means of interaction in this respect.

  4.3 All scientists should commit themselves to high ethical standards. The possible development of a pledge similar to the Hippocratic Oath for all scientific professions should be considered as an expression of this commitment.

  4.4 The difficulties encountered by women, as well as by minorities, in entering and pursuing a career in science and in gaining access to decision-making in science and technology should be addressed urgently through adequate institutional mechanisms and other appropriate measures. Equality in access to science is not only a social and ethical requirement for human development, but also a necessity for realizing the full potential of scientific communities and to orient scientific progress towards meeting the needs of humankind.

  4.5 The social responsibility of scientists implies that they exert a rigorous quality control of their findings, share their knowledge, communicate with the public and educate the younger generation. A free flow of scientific information and open access to it should be guaranteed by all parties concerned.

   We, participants in the World Conference on “Science for the Twenty-first Century: a New Commitment”, consider that the Conference document “Science Agenda – Framework for Action” gives practical expression to the new commitment to science, and can serve as a strategic guide for international partnership between all stakeholders in the scientific venture in the years to come.

  We commit ourselves to act co-operatively through our own spheres of responsibility to strengthen scientific culture and its peaceful application throughout the world, and to promote the use of scientific knowledge for development, taking into account the societal and ethical principles illustrated above.

  We adopt therefore this World Declaration on Science and the Use of Scientific Knowledge and agree upon the Science Agenda – Framework for Action as a means of achieving the goals set forth in the Declaration. 5 January 1999

For more details contact: Secretariat, World Conference on Science, UNESCO, 7, place de Fontenoy, 75352 PARIS, France. Fax: (33) 1 45 68 58 23. Email: The Journal Nature sponsored by the Wellcome Trust have provided a web site containing conference details, programme and news in the run up to the conference:




    In an allusion to his celebrated poetical work, Hymns to the Night, these fragments on mathematics by Novalis are sometimes called his ‘Hymns to Mathematics’. They can be found in the 3rd Volume of Novalis Schriften, pp. 593-594, published by the W Kohlhammer Verlag, Stuttgart 1968. This same volume, the second of his philosophical writings, also contains a work regarded by many to be Novalis’ main philosophical work, his so-called great encyclopedia project – the Allgemeine Bouillon (General Draft). Written exactly 200 years ago in 1798/99 while Novalis was a student at the Freiberg Mining Academy, this unfinished work deals with his thoughts on an astonishing range of scientific subjects, as well as many other fields of knowledge. Referred to by Novalis himself as an ‘Introduction to a true encyclopedia’, and as a ‘Scientific Bible’, it consists of over 1100 interrelated aphoristic thoughts or fragments, of which more than half bear the most diverse classificatory headings. For example, the classifications range from the more conventional: Physics, Chemistry, Physiology & Theology; to the more unusual: Encyclopedistics, Cosmology, Folk Pedagogy, and Theosophy; to the extraordinary: Musical Mathematics, Poetical Physiology, Logical Pathology, Theory of the Future, and Theory of the Spirit. They are thus not only a testament to Novalis’ sublime poetical powers, but especially demonstrate a lesser known aspect of his genius – his thorough schooling in the sciences, philosophy and higher mathematics.

    Generously aided by the enormous technical experience and knowledge of Emeritus Professor Gerhard Schulz (one of the editors of the Novalis Schriften – the collected works of Novalis in German), the first English translation of Novalis’ Allgemeine Bouillon is nearing completion and hopefully should be available by the end of this year (probably under the title: ‘Towards a Science of the Sciences’).

David Wood

Projective Geometry Web Site

Nick Thomas published in December 1998 a web site for projective geometry, path curves, pivot transforms and his counterspace work. He had long since promised to make known this work, when he first mentioned his gravity breakthrough in 1995. The dynamic graphic technology of this form of publication lends itself to vivid visual portrayal of the projective geometric constructions. The site is accessed at

  The author’s new book Science Between Space and Counterspace came out in January and is reviewed on page 6 (see ‘Reviews’).


The deadline for copy for the 5th issue of Archetype – a journal for peer reviewed work on science, mathematics and the philosophy of science, published by the Science Group – is 1st August 1999. All issues of Archetype are now deposited with the British Library. It can also be borrowed from the libraries at Rudolf Steiner House, London and the Goetheanum. Further details from the editor, David Heaf (address at the end of this newsletter).

The “Schiller File”

‘The history of the Schiller File is both the history of the Research Institute of the Kommende Tag AG and the Research Laboratory of the Goetheanum. It embraces the work that continues to this day its aim to do justice to Rudolf Steiner’s intentions for a technology of the etheric.’ (Trans. DH) So writes Christoph Podak in his essay Preliminarien zu einer Geschichte und Soziologie der anthroposophischen Forschungsinstitute in den zwanziger Jahren. The file which has hitherto circulated privately in typescript contains notes made by Steiner’s scientific colleagues during conversations and research activities. It is published as Beiträge zur Rudolf Steiner Gesamtausgabe, Heft 121 under the title Aufgabenstellungen für naturwissenschaftliche Forschungen. Äußerungen von Rudolf Steiner über: Die vier Ätherarten/Elektrizität/Veredelung von Torffasern/Radio. 80pp. sFr. 18.-, DM 19.-. ISBN 3-7274-8121-8. Rudolf Steiner Verlag, CH-4143 Dornach, Switzerland.

  (We are looking for a suitably qualified translator for Christoph Podak’s 6-page essay mentioned above. If you would like to help, please contact David Heaf (address at the end of this newsletter.)

En toen was er DNA…wat moeten we ermee?

Indigo/Vrij Geestesleven, 1998. ISBN 90 6038 419 9. Dutch Guilders 39.50. 236pp (paperback).

This book whose title could be roughly translated ‘And then there was DNA…what should we do about it?’ is both beautifully presented with its copious colour illustrations and rich in content, especially as regards examining presuppositions in the science behind genetic engineering. It deserves an English version, but as it is expensively produced it will require a broad base of sponsorship if an English version is to see the light of day. The Dutch version had seven corporate sponsors. Martin Large of Hawthorn Press has expressed interest in examining the feasibility of an English version of the book. If you are interested in sponsoring the project, please contact him at Hawthorn House, 1 Lansdown Lane, Stroud, Glos GL5 1BJ. Tel: +44 (0)1453 757040. Fax: +44 (0)1453 751138. Email: If you would like to receive a synopsis of the book before deciding on sponsorship, please contact David Heaf at the address at the end of this newsletter.

Sand in our Eyes: the Critical Reversal of a founding Assumption in Science (in manuscript) by Don Cruse and Robert Zimmer. 

  I have received early notice in synopsis form of the forthcoming publication of this book which develops among other things the ideas in an essay by Don Cruse entitled ‘Science and Intentionality: exploring a serious contradiction in the logic of scientific materialism.’ The author applies linguistic philosophy to show that mainstream science whilst denying any inherent intentionality in world processes makes indispensable use of the language of intentionality in describing them.

  Don Cruse in his letter to me expressed disappointment that the essay had not received much interest in anthroposophical circles in North America. Can we remedy this in the UK? If you would like to receive a copy of the essay and information about publication of the book, please contact Don Cruse, 9850-154 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5P 2G6. Phone: 403 489 0919. Fax: 403 483 5886. David Heaf

Elemente der Naturwissenschaft

69(2) 1998: Das Haidinger-Büschel als Urphänomen der Polarerscheinungen Albert Pröbstl. Das fünfte – das neue – Element David Auerbach & Ernst August Müller. Zur Phänomenologie der Wärme Friedr. Wilhelm Dustmann. Relativ oder absolut? Friedr. Wilhelm Dustmann. Insektenworkshop in Blatten Johannes Wirz & Reinhard Leuthold. Wasser für Erde und Mensch Andreas Heertsch.

Editor: Dr. Johannes Wirz, Forschungslaboratorium am Goetheanum, Hügelweg 59, CH-4143 Dornach, Switzerland. Email:100716.1756@Compuserve.Com. Distributor: Verlag der Kooperative Dürnau, Im Winkel 11, D-88422 Dürnau, Germany Tel: +49 7582 93000, Fax +49 7582 930020. Subscription 28.- DM/year for 2 issues, 16.- per single issue, inclusive of p&p.

Mathematisch-Physikalisch Korrespondenz

Nr. 194(Michaelmas 1998): Zwei Hypothesesen Georg Unger. Zur Konstruktion von Krümmungskreisen von Kegelschnitten Alexander Stolzenburg. Metamorphose einer konstruktiv bestimmten Kurvenschar Linus Grabenhenrich. Comparison of Regular Pentagon and Heptagon Shirley Plucinska.

Nr. 195 (printed ‘194’, Christmas 1998): Eine persönliche Bemerkung zum Jahre 1998 Georg Unger. Neue Ansichten über die Evolution des Kosmos Konrad Rudnicki. Mathematik und Geisteswissenschaft Siegfried M. Rump. The transperspective method of knowledge Zdenek Kalva. Modelle von John Wilkes nach George Adams. William Brunner: ein liebenswürdiges Original.  

Subscriptions are Sfr40/DM45 per year. Available from Dr. G. Unger, Mathematisch-Physicalisches Institut, Dorneckstr. 15, CH-4143 Dornach, Switzerland.

Newsletter of the Society for the Evolution of Science

13(2) Summer 1997:Storm geometries Dennis Klocek. Some thoughts on the phenomenology of embryogenesis Trond Skaftnesmo

14(1) Winter 1998: The sloth: a study of wholeness Craig Holdrege. Dilation and beauty: Toward a Goethean way of perception William Duncan.

14(2) Summer 1998: New perspectives on physics based on insights from projective geometry  Nick Thomas. 

Editor: Jim Kotz, PO. Box 1063, Santa Barbara, California 93102-1063. Tel: (805) 898-0412. Email: Subscription: $15 per year.

September 1999 issue

Closing date for copy for the next issue: 20th August 1999

Editor: Dr David J. Heaf, Hafan, Llanystumdwy, Cricieth, Gwynedd, LL52 0SG, UK. Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1766 523181. Email: 101622.2773 (at)