'So long as substances are in a solid
state they are subject to the forces of the earth, but as soon as they enter the liquid
state, planetary forces come into play.' Rudolf Steiner
Books published: There is an important 'main sequence' of books
written on the subject after Kolisko, each emphasizing a different aspect of the topic.
1966, The Nature of Substance - Rudolf Hauschka, trans. from German.
1973 The Secrets of Metals - Wilhelm Pelikan, Anthroposophic Press,
trans. from German. |
1980 Metal Magic The esoteric properties and uses of Metals - Mellie
Uyldert , Turnstone, translated from Dutch. |
1984 Astrochemistry A Study of Metal-planet Affinities N.Kollerstrom |
1991 Metal Power The Soul life of the Planets Alison Davidson,
Borderland Sci. CA. |
For the purpose of reactivating the Western
alchemical tradition, Kolisko published eight books on the subject. These were:
1928 Working of the Stars in Earthly substance
this described the Sun-conjunct-Saturn experiment she did on 21.11.26, with iron, silver
and lead (15 plates).
The Solar Eclipse 29.6.27 (23 plates, 3
coloured, of gold).
Das Silber und der Mond (Stuttgart)
this followed the difference between Full and New moons over several years, using
silver-nitrate steigbild.
1932 Jupiter and Tin, Working of the Stars in Earthly
substance (30 plates, 4 coloured).
1936 Gold and the Sun Total Eclipse of 19.6.36 (43 illustrations
of gold & silver steigbild)
1947 Gold and the Sun Total Eclipse of 20.5.47
(44 illustrations)
1948 Spirit in matter silver and gold steigbild,
this described day-night differences
1952 Saturn und Blei, Sternwerken in Erdenstoffen published in
Stroud, but printed in Germany. This described quite a large number of silver, iron and
lead experiments from 1926 to 1951, using both steigbild
and crystallization methods. Mars-conjunct-Saturn experiments were described, as were a
series of adjacent conjunctions and oppositions of the Moon and Saturn.
1961 Die totale Sonnenfinsternis vom 15.2.61 in a German
Jnl, English trans. Published in 1978 as
The Sun Eclipse, by Andrew Clunies-Ross as Kolisko Archive.
Confirmations of the
Kolisko effect have been published by:
Theodore Schwenk (in Pelikan 1973), and
Karl Voss (Neue Aspekte 5 1965, Hamburg,
summarised by Brigadier R. Firebrace, Confirmation of the Kolisko Experiments Spica, 4, 1965)
in Germany,
Fyfe in Switzerland (Uber die Variabilitat von Silber-Eisen
Steigbilden, Elemente der Naturwissenschaft
6 1967),
Andre Faussurier in France (Conscience
Ecologique et Creativite Humaine, Lyon 1975 I believe Faussurier published some
more but I never found it);
Geoffrey Dean in 1977 (Recent Advances in
Natal Astrology A Critical Review 1900-1976, p230 (a Moon-conjunct-Mars experiment in
which Dean, myself and others participated, on 30.8.75, at the UKs Astrological
Association annual conference at Brighton).
Michael Drummond in Cosmological Influences in Chemistry The Mercury Star Journal Autumn 1977 (A
Mars-Saturn conjunction, square, trine and sextile of 1976)
Michael Theroux, Lunar Influence on the Electrochemical production of Colloidal
Silver Borderlands Journal CA over the
lunar eclipse of 23.3.97 colloidal silver generators showed a significant, several-fold decrease in the amount of colloidal silver
generated during and just before the eclipse, returning to normal afterwards; discusses
Koliskos work.
My reports on these experiments (shown on
this website) were published in 1976, 77 and 82 in The Astrological Journal, reprinted in the 1984 Astrochemistry.
As well as these diverse replications, several
articles were published by Agnes Fyfe (working at the Lukas Klinic at Arlesheim, Germany)
in The British Homeopathic Journal, of her Steigbild experiments using plant sap, and how
they responded to celestial events: The Signature of the Planet Mercury in
Plants (1974, 64) [which used a salt of mercury] and Die Signatur der Venus im
Pflanzenreich (Stuttgart 1978) [ this used copper salts]. I reckon these confirm
Koliskos basic thesis, but using different metal-planet links, viz.
Mercury-quicksilver and Copper-Venus, and within a more medical context.
- Negative results
were reported (but not described) by Charles Hammerton on behalf of the Faculty of
Astrological Studies, London, reported as Repetition of Experiment made by Kolisko
in Relation to Observable Effects in Salts of Metals Corresponding to the Planets, Astrology
(UK) 28 1954, p46-9.
- Baker & Maby
reported to the British Astronomical Association of their own failure to replicate these
effects. (J.Maby & E.Baker, An Experimental test of Astrological claims, Jnl. of the British Astronomical Association
1935 45 165-6; J.Maby, Confessions of a Sensitive 1966 p.154.
- Biochemist Dr
Frank McGillian in The Opening Eye 1980
described first the positive result obtained on the 30.8.75
experiment (V above) then how he did not get a conclusive result in an
experiment he conducted over the 1978 Mars-conjunct Saturn..
Links to other relevant material on the web:
Purple gold:
For character-studies of the metals here used, see:
For Kolisko's 1927 essay on her Nov 1926 Sun-Saturn expt., see:
For Kolisko's 1928 essay on her June 1927 solar eclipse expt. (with
gold), see:
For filterpaper experiments by Agnes Fyfe (using silver, gold and plant
sap), see: www.spagyria.com/MoonPlant/mpindex.asp
For Adam McLean's 'Alchemy' site on Kolisko's work, see:
For how colloidal silver responded to a 1997 lunar eclipse, see:
For Kolisko publications, see:
For gold as being the Sun-metal (traditional alchemy) see: