The Newsletter is issued twice yearly to members at the beginning of March and September. It contains news, opinion, comment, book reviews, notification of publications, current contents, forthcoming meetings, reports of meetings, advertisements of initiatives by members and membership announcements. It is not peer-reviewed and is not intended for longer research articles.
Contributions for the newsletter should reach the Editor by 20 February for the March issue or 20th August for the September issue.
Back issues:
2024 :Feb2023 :Mar
2021: Mar. and Sept.
2020: Mar. and Sept.
2019: Mar. and Sept. – For updated version of article “Rudolf Steiner, the Ice Age, and the Year 1250” by Maarten Ekama in March 2019 edition please see this link. – For updated version of article “Earth’s Third Movement, a Copernican Enigma” by Maarten Ekama in September 2019 edition please see this link.
2018: Mar. and Sept.
2017: Mar. and Sept.
2016: Mar. and Sept.
2015: Mar. and Sept.
2014: Mar. and Sept.
2013: Mar. and Sept.
2012: Mar. and Sept.
2011: Mar. and Sept.
2010: Mar. and Sept.
2009: Mar. and Sept.
2008: Mar. and Sept.
2007: Mar. and Sept.
2006: Mar. and Sept.
2005: Mar. and Sept.
2004: Mar. and Sept.
2003: Mar. and Sept.
2002: Mar. and Sept.
2001: Mar. and Sept.
2000: Mar. and Sept.
1999: Mar. and Sept.
1998: Mar. and Sept.